USDA has Announced Risk Management Programs for Hemp Producers
The USDA Noninsured Crop Disaster Assistance Programs (NAP) provide coverage against loss for hemp grown for fiber, grain, seed or CBD for the 2020 crop ear, provided no permanent federal crop insurance program is available.
Eligibility requirements include, among other things, that producers report their hemp crop acreage to the Farm Service Agency (FSA), and such reporting is also a requirement for obtaining a Hemp Grower’s license under the Louisiana Department of Agriculture [LDAF] Industrial Hemp Program Regulations.
The deadline for applying for the NAP risk management program is March 16, 2020, making it important for Louisiana growers intending to plant a hemp crop this year to apply to LDAF soon for their Grower’s license.
See the February 6th USDA announcement at for details and USDA’s factsheet for explanations of who is eligible, what is eligible and eligible causes of crop loss.
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