Documentation by Industrial Hemp Growers of Seed Acquisition
Ensure Smooth Sailing Through Louisiana’s Industrial Hemp Laws
Image by enriquelopezgarre from Pixabay
It is February 21, 2020. You received your Grower’s License the day before and you are driving away from (“transporting” in the language of Louisiana’s Industrial Hemp statutes and regulations) a freight depot or other place at which you have just taken possession of industrial hemp seed or other propagation stock from a seed seller for your first hemp crop. What else do you have with you?
Because of mandates in, among others, Louisiana’s Industrial Hemp Act, the Louisiana Department of Agriculture and Forestry (LDAF) Industrial Hemp Regulations, and the USDA’s approved State Plan, in the event you encounter a law enforcement person before your destination, to avoid possible arrest for possession of marijuana, you should have with you in your vehicle the originals or copies of:
Your LDAF Industrial Hemp Grower’s License — the proof you have authority to prosses the seed/propagule material.
The LDAF Seed Seller/Producer License of the person from who you purchased and took possession of the material.
Labels on the packages identifying the contents and containing, among other things, the name and address of the Guarantor — the person responsible for the material’s label claims.
Certificate of Analysis issued by an analytical testing laboratory approved by LDAF or by a like authority of the state of origin of the material, which includes the unique sample number and THC level test results.
Bill of Sale or Purchase Contract signed by you and the seller.
A receipt or statement of transfer by you and the seller dated the date on which you took possession.
Additionally, the person operating the vehicle must either be you as the licensed grower, or a bona fide employee of you/your company, and the destination must be one of the pieces of property you identified in the application for grower’s license filed with LDAF.
More information and further reading on Louisiana’s Industrial Hemp Program
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Disclaimer: This blog does not provide legal advice and does not create an attorney-client relationship. If you need legal advice, please contact an attorney directly.