What you do after you have taken the required steps to incorporate your business is just as important as the initial steps. In order to successfully hold a shield between your personal assets and your business liabilities you must be vigilant..
Read MoreCarelessness and inattention can make you liable personally for a debt of a corporation, limited liability company, or other business entity. You thus be thorough and mindful to create and maintain appropriate internal records of your company, and you must be vigilant with your business’ external documents, such as contracts, loans and other written agreements it enters into with third persons.
Read MoreLouisiana case law recognizes that shielding a shareholder’s personal assets from liability for corporate debt encourages business investments, especially in high-risk endeavors. Thus, courts are reluctant to disregard the limited liability that is part of corporate stock ownership, unless exceptional circumstances are found to be present.
Read MoreCareful adherence to mandatory corporate formalities will help assure your corporation will not be deemed by an I.R.S. agent in an audit, or a jury in a civil suit, to have ceased to exist, and will help assure it continues to be what you intend — a shield for you against personal liability for the company's debts. Annual shareholder meetings are well worth it for that reason alone.
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